Sunday, March 8, 2009

This collage was made during a two-hour life drawing class in year ten. it is made completely out of torn pieces of paper with no pencil guidelines underneath. We were only given the five different shades of paper with which to work and had to make sure to include the shadow details in our collage.

The Centre Pompidou, which is a modern art gallery in Paris, was designed by architects Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano in 1972. All functional structural elements of the building such as plumbing pipes and electrical wires, along with the escalators to get to the upper levels, are on the outside of the building like an exposed skeleton.

This photo was taken in the Scottish Highlands just as the sun was coming out after an overcast day. The golden light of the sun, and the shadows of the clouds on the hills, made this particular landscape scene stand out so much that we pulled over to the side of the road to get the best shot.

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